Thursday November 2nd, 2017

Cortez Masto: Tax Plan Shows GOP Fiscal Responsibility Pledge Was Always A Farce

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) released the following statement in response to the House Republican tax proposal released today:

“House Republicans today announced a tax proposal that hands a fat bonus to corporations and the rich on the backs of hard working families, seniors, and the poor in Nevada. When President Trump and his special interest friends ask for a handout, congressional Republicans jump into action. The party of ‘fiscal responsibility’ wants to pass an irresponsible tax plan that would add trillions of dollars to the national debt, demonstrating that their rhetoric on responsible budgeting and deficit reduction has always been a farce. Many proposals in this bill will directly hurt middle class Nevada families. Republicans threaten crucial middle class tax deductions and credits for student loans, childcare, and medical expenses. A full Congressional Budget Office analysis will unmask this bill for what it is: a threat to the financial security of our country and the economic wellbeing of hard working American families. Republicans have negotiated away the financial security of America’s middle class in order to give big corporations and the wealthiest few a present right in time for Christmas. The Trump family must be ecstatic.

“This bill is a non-starter for Nevada and I urge every Nevadan to make their voices heard.”


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