Wednesday October 30th, 2019

Cortez Masto Statement on Senate Republicans’ Vote Against Protecting Preexisting Conditions for Nevadans

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) issued the following statement after Senate Democrats attempted to pass a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution overturning the Trump administration’s damaging and dangerous rule expanding so-called “junk plans.” A yes vote on the resolution would have ensured that critical preexisting conditions protections would be preserved.

“For years, Senate Republicans have said they have a plan to address American’s health care and protect preexisting conditions. The only plan they’ve offered is repealing the Affordable Care Act and ripping away preexisting conditions protections from millions of Americans. They’ve also offered junk plans that send us back to the dark days of health care coverage in America by allowing insurers to sidestep the patient protections in the Affordable Care Act. The plans don’t cover essential services like prescription drugs, emergency room visits, mental health care and maternity care. And they don’t prevent insurers from discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions—1.2 million of them in Nevada alone. My Republican colleagues say they support protections for people with preexisting conditions. Yet in today’s vote, they showed just how untrue that is.”



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