Friday April 6th, 2018

Cortez Masto Hosts Roundtable with Students on Gun Violence Prevention

CCM Student Roundtable

Las Vegas, Nev. – U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) held a roundtable discussion yesterday with local students about the impact of gun violence in America. Senator Cortez Masto discussed Congress’ responsibility to pass common sense gun violence prevention legislation that reduces mass shootings and saves lives in the United States.

“I am proud to represent so many bright young men and women from Nevada who are making their voices heard. These students are right – inaction in Congress to keep Americans safe from the epidemic of gun violence in our country is unacceptable. Common sense gun safety measures save lives, and yet the Republican leadership refuses to bring any of the many proposed pieces of bipartisan gun violence prevention legislation to the Senate floor for debate or vote. Congress needs to listen to students, parents, teachers, and administrators who, in the wake of tragedies in Parkland, Sutherland Springs, and in our community of Las Vegas after 1October came together as part of a national conversation for their safety and the safety of their friends and loves ones. They’ve spoken clearly and I intend to take their collective outrage and optimism to drive change to Washington.”

“No one should enter a school, or a church, or attend a movie or a concert and unknowingly enter a warzone. That is why I’ve cosponsored legislation to ban bump stocks, reduce the number of rounds in high capacity magazines, expand universal background checks and enable the Center for Disease control to study the epidemic of gun deaths in America. When I return to Washington, these students will continue to inspire me as we fight together for common sense gun violence prevention legislation that reduces the epidemic of mass shootings and saves lives.”



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