Tuesday February 18th, 2020

Cortez Masto, Horsford Attend Tax Fair with UnidosUS to Provide Tax Preparation Resources to Latino Families in Nevada

Las Vegas, Nev. – U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) today joined UnidosUS, Congressman Steven Horsford and United Way of Southern Nevada at the “Adelante 2020” Economic Forum and Tax Fair. During the event, the senator participated in a panel discussion on how to maximize economic opportunities for Latinos and spoke about her work in the Senate to ensure fair federal tax policies that support Nevada’s middle class and Latino families. The forum also included free tax assistance for attendees.

“America has always promised to provide an economy that offers everyone an opportunity to succeed, but the reality is that too many hardworking Latino families are feeling left behind. Our economy should work for all Nevadans, which is why I was so glad to join tonight’s discussion about the importance of passing tax legislation that promotes economic mobility, invests in future generations and recognizes the unique needs of our Latino communities right here in Nevada,” said Senator Catherine Cortez Masto. “UnidosUS and United Way of Southern Nevada are on the ground every day fighting to help Latino families build their dreams, and I’m proud to support their efforts to put working and middle-class families first.”

“Expanding and updating the EITC program goes a long way in improving the lives of millions of Latino families,” said Congressman Steven Horsford. “I am proud to fight every day in Washington for tax fairness and to ensure that the families of Nevada’s Fourth Congressional District are given the assistance they need when Tax Day comes.”

“No issues are more top of mind for Latino voters in the 2020 election than economic ones. This is no surprise, especially here in Nevada, where the recession more than a decade ago hit the state hard and the Hispanic community even harder,” said UnidosUS President and CEO Janet Murguía. “To help families recover from the economic downturn, two important tax programs were strengthened–the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit. These tax credits have helped thousands escape poverty and could benefit even more people if we pass the Working Families Tax Relief Act co-sponsored by Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, a bill that could improve the economic situation of more than 120,000 families in the state.”

“Events like this are essential to bringing awareness to programs like the Earned Income Tax Credit, which helps working families make ends meet, grows our local economy and improves economic independence,” said Kyle B. Rahn, United Way of Southern Nevada President and CEO. “We are working on the national level to expand the EITC for the many diverse families we serve and advocating locally so more individuals know about this tax credit and apply to receive it.”


Senator Cortez Masto has cosponsored numerous bills in the United States Senate aimed at putting money back in the pockets of hardworking Nevada families. She is a cosponsor of the Working Families Tax Relief Act to expand access to and increase the value of both the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC). She is also the cosponsor of the American Family Act and the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit Enhancement Act to expand child tax credits and make childcare more affordable for families with young children.



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