Wednesday May 24th, 2017

Cortez Masto Statement on CBO Report on Revised Trumpcare Bill

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) released the following statement on the Congressional Budget Office’s report on the American Health Care Act (AHCA), a House Republican bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA):

“The House Republicans’ revised Trumpcare bill is just as harmful for Americans’ health and access to care as the last one. 23 million people will lose their insurance and premiums will skyrocket – even more so for those with preexisting conditions who are not locked out of the market – all in an effort to give tax cuts to the top one percent. More than 600,000 Nevadans who rely on Medicaid will see $834 billion in cuts to the program, and 400,000 Nevadans who gained insurance through the ACA would lose access to affordable, life-saving care. Nevadans deserve better than this House Republican gimmick.

“The Affordable Care Act is not perfect, but repealing and replacing with this sham of a bill is not the answer. Senate Republicans should be working with Democrats on a solution that works for every American. We must come together and improve the existing law so that we are expanding access, not hurting millions who rely on and benefit from the law.”



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