Saturday October 6th, 2018

Cortez Masto: Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh an Assault on Independence of Judiciary

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) released the following statement in response to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. In addition, Senator Cortez Masto spoke on the floor of the United States Senate early Saturday morning to express her opposition to his nomination:

“I’m profoundly disappointed the Senate confirmed Judge Brett Kavanaugh. I believe based on his record and testimony his stance on a woman’s right to choose is extreme and disqualifies him from a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

“In his belligerent testimony to the Judiciary Committee, Brett Kavanaugh accused Democratic Senators of conspiring against him and made veiled threats of revenge. He was arrogant and hostile towards anyone who asked him to elaborate on his past experiences. I have no confidence that Judge Brett Kavanaugh will approach cases with the impartiality and restraint required of a Supreme Court Justice.

“Dr. Christine Blasey Ford had nothing to gain by coming forward. She told her story out of a sense of civic duty. She has done a profound public service to survivors. I am thankful for her courage and patriotism, and I believe her. By rushing this nomination process, Republicans have made a mockery of the Senate’s advice and consent role and dealt a major blow to the independence of the judiciary.”


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