Friday November 8th, 2019

Cortez Masto Encourages Nevadans to Get Covered

CCM Open Enrollment

Las Vegas, Nev. – U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) today joined Nevada Health Link certified health insurance broker, Alberto Ochoa, for a conversation about Nevada Health Link, the state’s health insurance exchange and Nevada’s open enrollment period. Open enrollment for Nevadans to sign up and choose their health care coverage for the upcoming year began on November 1st and ends on December 15th. During the meeting, Senator Cortez Masto and Mr. Ochoa discussed the importance of getting health insurance coverage, described the potential subsidies available to Nevadans and highlighted the process to sign up and get covered.

“This open enrollment season, I want to make sure every Nevadan knows how easy it is to sign up for quality, affordable health care coverage. Nevada Health Link’s new, streamlined website allows Nevadans to shop for a plan and determine their eligibility for cost-saving subsidies. In addition, there are free navigators and brokers like Mr. Ochoa working across the Silver State to help Nevadans navigate the process and determine the type of insurance that works best for them and their families. I’m fighting every day to strengthen the Affordable Care Act, reduce prescription drug costs and ensure that Nevadans with preexisting conditions are protected.”


Senator Cortez Masto has been working hard in the Senate to introduce legislation to strengthen the Affordable Care Act and provide quality coverage to Nevadans. This September, she introduced the Dependent Income Exclusion Act to make health insurance more affordable for families with children who have part-time jobs or are enrolled in job training programs. She is also a cosponsor of the Marketplace Certainty Act, which would lower ACA enrollees’ out-of-pocket costs and improve market stability by expanding cost-sharing reduction assistance, and the No Junk Plans Act, which would rescind President Trump’s Executive Order allowing insurance companies to offer consumers coverage via “junk plans” that don’t have to cover essential benefits like prescription drugs, ER visits or maternity care. Senator Cortez Masto is also the cosponsor of numerous pieces of legislation to reduce the price of prescription drugs and support rural health care providers.



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