Friday January 7th, 2022

Senate Passes Bipartisan Resolution Introduced by Senators Cortez Masto and Rosen to Honor Legacy of Senator Harry Reid

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) and Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) announced that the Senate unanimously passed their bipartisan resolution honoring the life and legacy of U.S. Senator Harry Reid, which was co-sponsored by all 100 members of the Senate. 

“Harry Reid dedicated his life to serving Nevada,” said Senator Cortez Masto. “His hard work and dedication to fairness and equality will never be forgotten in the halls of Congress, or in the Silver State. This bipartisan resolution lists just a small number of his countless accomplishments and victories, and I was proud to pass it through the Senate.”

“Senator Reid was a source of inspiration and pride for Nevada and our nation as he fought to improve the lives of millions of Americans,” said Senator Rosen. “I’m proud to join Senator Cortez Masto and all of my colleagues in passing this bipartisan resolution to honor Senator Reid’s remarkable life and long legacy of accomplishments.”

 The full resolution can be found here and below:

 Whereas Harry Reid, born in Searchlight, Nevada, overcame abject poverty and rose to become one of the most influential and revered leaders in the United States;

Whereas Harry Reid hitchhiked 40 miles each way to attend high school, subsequently attended Utah State University, and later graduated from law school at George Washington University, all while supporting his studies with a career in amateur boxing;

Whereas, in 1959, Harry Reid married Landra Gould, to whom he was married for an incredible 62 years, and with whom he had 5 children (named Lana, Rory, Leif, Josh, and Key), 19 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild;

Whereas, while attending law school, Harry Reid worked nights as an officer for the United States Capitol Police to support his family;

Whereas, in 1968, Harry Reid began his decades of public service on behalf of the people of Nevada, including by serving for—

(1) 1 term as a member of the Nevada Assembly;

(2) 1 term as Lieutenant Governor, the youngest in Nevada history;

(3) 4 years as Chair of the Nevada Gaming Commission;

(4) 2 terms as Member of the House of Representatives for Nevada’s First District; and

(5) 5 terms as a Senator for Nevada, including 12 years as Democratic Leader, 8 of which came as Majority Leader of the Senate;

Whereas Harry Reid, as Chair of the Nevada Gaming Commission, displayed his trademark determination and grit as he took on organized crime’s influence in Las Vegas and helped grow the city into the world-class tourism destination it is today;

Whereas, as a public servant, including as a powerful Senator for the State of Nevada, Harry Reid championed—

(1) conservation of Nevada’s natural treasures, including establishing Nevada’s first national park, Great Basin National Park;

(2) measures to address climate change;

(3) protection of good-paying union jobs in the hospitality, construction, clean energy, service, and mining sectors;

(4) economic opportunity for all people of the United States and recovery from the Great Recession;

(5) access to the American Dream for all people of the United States, including blue-collar workers, hard-working immigrant families, and Dreamers;

(6) protection of Social Security benefits for all people of the United States; and

(7) access to high-quality health care for all people of the United States;

Whereas Harry Reid displayed deft legislative acumen, leadership, and political skill throughout his time in public office, including a dedication to working across the aisle to achieve results in a bipartisan fashion;

Whereas Harry Reid placed the interests of his constituents in Nevada first and fought for them relentlessly, serving as a voice for all hard-working Nevadans;

Whereas Harry Reid recognized that Nevada’s diversity mirrored the diversity of the United States and was instrumental in giving the State of Nevada a deciding role in choosing both the Democratic and Republican party nominees for President;

Whereas Harry Reid’s advocacy in Congress blocked efforts to store nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain, a continuing victory for Nevadans;

Whereas Harry Reid fought for access to affordable health care for Nevadans and all people of the United States, including by leading the way to pass the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148; 124 Stat. 119) and comprehensive health care reform legislation;

Whereas Harry Reid’s dedication to fighting for Nevada also ensured that the State received the Federal funding it deserved to support its infrastructure and growing economy;

Whereas Harry Reid served throughout his career with determination, loyalty, diligence, compassion, an incredible devotion to his faith, and a ceaseless fighting spirit for which he became known;

Whereas Clark County, Nevada honored Harry Reid for his lifetime of contributions to the people of Nevada by renaming its main airport the Harry Reid International Airport; and

Whereas Harry Reid will be remembered as a great American and a great Nevadan who will be deeply missed: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That—

(1) the Senate—

(A) has heard with profound sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of the Honorable Harry Mason Reid, Jr., former Senator for the State of Nevada and Majority Leader of the Senate;

(B) extends heartfelt sympathy to Senator Reid’s family and all those who knew and loved him; and

(C) respectfully requests that the Secretary of the Senate—

(i) communicate this resolution to the House of Representatives; and

(ii) transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to the family of the Honorable Harry Reid; and

(2) when the Senate adjourns today, it stand adjourned as a further mark of respect to the memory of the Honorable Harry Reid.



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